Call Us: 1-888-597-0022
Support & Resources for Merchants
The Launch Payments Merchant Support Team is comprised of friendly and knowledgeable professionals that can help you answer questions about your monthly statements, chargeback resolution, risk monitoring and more. In this section you will find pertinent information regarding the support team as well as general equipment support documentation and FAQs.
Hours of Operation
Merchant support is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days a year!
Merchant support: 1 866 883-1494
Sales: 1 888 597-0022
Deposit Schedule
Debit and credit deposits are processed within 1 - 3 business days depending on the financial institution that you process with. (Deposit timeframe is calculated after the batch close is initiated).
Processing FAQs
Understanding Payment Processing
If you still have any questions or require telephone support, please contact us at 1 888 597-0022